Age spots

The so-called age spots are a type of pigmentation that develops as we age. They are often – especially in the face and hands – the “eye-catchers” that betray our true age. One of the main trigger certainly are sunlight and genetic disposition. But watch out: Sometimes we find even skin cancer or it’s precursors behind those harmlessly-looking color changes. This is why it is so important to have these spots diagnosed and treated by a dermatologist.

DrZenkerDermatology offers only effective and elegant, modern treatment options, such Intense Pulsed Light IPL, as this technology targets the spot only without injuring the surrounding skin. However, it is often advisable to treat the surrounding, aged skin as well by resurfacing with e.g. chemical peels, needling or microdermabrasion. An individual skincare program – including SPF – will be offered by our beauticians.

Beautiful lips

Full and well contoured lips without the annoying eating-up-the-lipstick-wrinkles or story-teller smoker’s lines are considered to be beautiful. Treatment of the lips and the wrinkles around the mouth has to be done in a discrete and certainly not over-injected, stigmatizing way! Sabine Zenker is known for her delicate, aesthetically pleasing and natural treatment results as well as for their excellent injection technique, which is – by the way – pretty painless. The results are immediately visible. Hyaluronic acid injections usually last up to 6 months, in some cases even longer; autologous fat injections can result in a much longer effect. Typical side effects, such as bruising or discrete swelling, are temporary.

Conturing cheeks with filler

Puffy cheeks are neither aesthetically beautiful nor natural. Dr Zenker’s goal is to improve cheek’s contours and shape in the most natural way and not to make them the eye-catcher in a face! Through years of experience, mature injection technique, accurate knowledge of material and anatomy and a delicate eye for individual aesthetics, Dr Zenker is able to contour and lift cheeks with degradable fillers such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite and polycaprolactone or autologous fat. The result may last from months to years, depending on the material used and individual conditions. Sabine Zenker sets up each therapy individually; she may perform it in several steps, depending on which approach best suits for the patient.

Even skin

Glowy skin, fine pores and an even, fresh complexion: A healthy, beautiful complexion equals youth and beauty. We at DrZenkerDermatology and DrZenkerCosmetics want you to reach the best of yourself possible and just feel good in your skin. We offer holistic solutions individually customized to cure skin diseases and improve its overall quality in structure and color. Cosmetics alone do not help here, but are – as prescription formulations – an important part of our treatment concept. Depending on which treatment you choose, you need to know that sometimes it’s fast, sometimes you need time to get the best possible result. So a detailed consultation is essential in order to best match your expectations with our treatment options. We will be taking our time whilst guiding you through the entire process and answering any questions you have along the way.

Chemical peels are used to peel the skin in a controlled manner through chemical substances in order to keep the skin healthy, to improve the skin structure or to stimulate the skin to collagen production. Depending on the desired effect, Sabine Zenker can individually adjust a wide range of exfoliating substances: from light cosmetic peelings by our beauticians to stronger medical peeling procedures that effectively treat wrinkles, spots, scars and skin cancer precursors and rejuvenate the skin.

The specialty peel developed by Dr Zenker, the DrZenkerDFP©, has proven itself for many years being the most effective treatment option to beautify the skin suffering from the so-difficult-to-treat melasma as well: Having developed this therapeutic approach originated in the lack of effective and easy treatment options as she herself is suffering from melasma and was desperately looking for help. DrZenkerDFP© is adaptable individually in terms of strength, therefore effectiveness and required downtime. Being effective and safe, this peel can be performed in any skin type, around the year and repeatedly to successfully manage melasma. Thorough research on causing and triggering factors for this skin disease as well as distinct recommendations towards individual skincare regimens are included in Dr Zenker’s holistic approach.

DrZenkerDermatology further recommends laser therapies using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to remove age spots, broken vessels, skin redness and enlarged pores with bundled laser beams: They are selectively “destroyed” and progressively removed from the body. The advantage of this selective therapy is that it does not affect the surrounding skin and thus the downtime is correspondingly minimal. The IPL technology that we work with is also one of the best ones in the market – the quality of Energy Based Devices (EBD) varies enormously.

Mesotherapy is an injection technique of active ingredients or medication using finest needles to skin or hair follicles. Sabine Zenker offers individual mesotherapy for skin rejuvenation (wrinkles), treatment of cellulite and fat pads and especially for the treatment of hair loss. The success of the therapy depends crucially on the selection of the substances injected. Due to her many years of experience, Dr Zenker can offer a large selection of therapeutic substances that she uses specifically in any patient. Mesotherapy requires no downtime and has to be repeated following an individual protocol.

Microdermabrasion is a gentle cosmetic treatment requiring no downtime to improve skin’s quality and rejuvenate the skin as well as to support dermatologic treatments for acne, rosacea etc. By removing the very superficial skin layers mechanically by small crystals dead superficial skin cells get effectively removed. For an optimal effect, the treatment has to be repeated following an individual protocol.

Needling is a treatment method for improving the appearance of the skin in terms of its firmness, regularity and color: the skin is perforated in a controlled way by multiple need les of different length to effectively stimulate collagen formation. Depending on the needle length, this therapy can be carried in different levels of intensity: the more of an effect desired, the more intense the treatment is performed. The interesting thing in needling is, that during the treatment active ingredients and topical medication can be applied to increase the respective, desired effect. Dr Zenker has an expelled expertise providing and in selecting those actives in a tailored manner to provide the best treatment result possible.

Exsessive sweating

It is quite natural that we are sweating more on hot summer days or in physical exercising. But sweating constantly and for no reason is not only annoying, but can become very incriminating. But hyperhidrosis can be treated very well. Dr Zenker consults with her patients to understand whether e.g. underlying diseases cause abnormal sweating. As treatment options, injections of botulinumtoxin (Botox©) are safe, very effective and do facilitate her patient’s life massively. By injecting this drug in the smallest amounts into the affected areas, excessive sweating is prevented for a long time. Dr. Zenker is offering special painless injection techniques. As a rule, therapy success lasts up to one year.

Eye region

Dark, sunken dark circles give our face a tired and exhausted expression. Creams can’t cream them away. But injection with hyaluronic acid (filler) or autologous fat (lipofilling) will raise depressions and fill the tear trough to avoid light being absorbed and therefore causing shades. Thus, the connection between the eyes and cheeks is effectively rejuvenated, the eye area looks fresh again. But attention: This treatment is not possible within every patient and must be carried out very carefully and in a technically perfect way! Injection technique as well as quality of the filler are crucial for the aesthetic result. Dr. Sabine Zenker has a great sense for individual aesthetics. She works very carefully, using only best materials and state-of-the-art injection techniques that reduce pain and injection-related side effects such as bruising or formation of lumps.

Facial contouring with botulinum toxin (Botox©)

The treatment with botulinum toxin is particularly suitable for adapting the facial shape to an aesthetically pleasing heart- or V-shape as a hyperactive masseter muscle increases the squared face look. Relaxing this muscle additionally takes away nocturnal crunching. Sabine Zenker performs this treatment with the greatest possible caution in using special botox dosing systems and in at least two treatment steps to adjust the dose individually and precisely. In addition, thinnest needles reduce the pain to practically zero.

Facial rejuvenation without surgery

Accompanying her patients on their way of facial aging or giving the chance to optimize and beautify facial features is one of the most wanted issues Dr Zenker likes to help her patients enthusiastically with. When wrinkles, unwanted negative expressions, exsessive skin, sagging corners of the mouth and cheeks, formation of double chin and fuzzy jawline, thinning lips bother, it is time to think about a treatment. The sooner the better! Because one can achieve a natural and beautiful but also effective treatment result without surgery! Dr Zenker has developed a treatment concept that can do just that: the aesthetically pleasing, natural change or restoration of youthful facial features by combining of different non-invasive procedures avoiding surgery – DR ZENKER 4R TECHNIQUE©.

A tailored treatment concept including e.g. botulinumtoxin (Botox©), fillers, autologous fat, botulinum toxin, absorbable lifting sutures, injection lipolysis and treatments to improve skin quality will give a more lifted, “re-setted”, relaxed and better look – make the best of yourself! Each treatment will be completely personalized and carried out gradually in several steps. Temporary bruises or a discrete swelling may occur for a few days. Dr Sabine Zenker has been treating various forms of facial aging over the past decades, she is member of advisory boards on combination therapies in aesthetics to establish safe and effective treatment protocols to be used world wide, she is conducting clinical trials and is training physicians worldwide on this topic. Her goal is to give the best treatment result possible to each and every single patient. Once the individual protocol is completed, the result can last from months to eventually several years.

Forehead and frown lines, laugh lines

Especially people with lively facial expressions tend to develop dynamic wrinkles quiet early. At first the underlying hyperactive facial muscles leave only lines in the overlying skin. With increased skin aging, wrinkles become deeper and finally engrave. Here, the treatment with botulinum toxin (Botox©) really helps best and in most cases by relaxing the responsible underlying muscles. Don’t be scared: Botulinum toxin is not a poison, you don’t have to look “botoxed”, frozen faces should be passe! Dr Zenker has been working to improve the aesthetic result of Botox© injections for years: accurate dosing enables her to achieve extremely natural treatment results. She can even inject smallest doses of botulinum toxin, “baby botox”. Her results are stunningly natural by preserving normal facial movements and expression. Using finest needles make her treatments pretty painless.

Hair loss

Full and shiny hair is beautiful and an expression of youth and health. Loosing hair excessively makes us worry quickly as most likely, we can’t really help ourselves. Questions as “will it ever grow back”, “am I about to getting a bald” are agonizing. But it is important to understand that loosing up to 50-100 hairs daily is normal. But is there huge amount of fallen-out hair actually blocking the sink every morning? Or do you have receding hairlines that become significantly larger during the past months? Then you would rather seek our specialist advice. Because: We take your hair loss seriously! And: Hair loss can be treated by a dermatologist successfully! Dr Zenker has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of hair loss for decades. Through a detailed consultation and special diagnostic procedures such as scalp examinations, hair root analysis and blood tests, she can determine why and what type of hair loss you are suffering from. Thanks to her excellent knowledge, Dr Zenker is most successful in treating hair loss: in combining a wide range of treatments from home-use prescriptions to medical treatments. She developed DR ZENKER SELFCELLHAIRGROWTH©, a individualized treatment protocol which became the “bestseller” over the past years as hair stops from falling out and regrows sustainably. Due to the time-consuming hair cycle of humans, every hair therapy requires patience and must always be planned on a long term perspective in order to being successful and able to even avoid surgery such as transplants.


Melasma, also known as the chloasma or pregnancy mask, is a pigment disorder of face, neck and décolleté that is most difficult to treat. There are various triggers for the brown, map-like discoloration such as UV radiation, cosmetics, drugs or hormonal influences. Dr Sabine Zenker is an expert in treating melasma since more than 2 decades. Since she suffered from melasma herself and didn’t find an effective treatment for herself in the 1990s, she developed the dermatological specialist peel, the DrZenker DepiFastPeel (DrZenkerDFP©), with which she has been successfully treating her patients ever since. In individual cases, other chemical peels, dermabrasion, intense pulsed light (IPL), mesotherapy, microdermabrasion or needling will be used, too. With a consistent, all-year sunscreen and the careful composition of an individualized skin care plan, we can help you to maintain the treatment’s success and manage the skin prone to hyperpigmentations on a long term perspective.

Mouth region, chin and jaw line

When we grow older, our face gradually loses its youthful shape, especially around mouth and chin, so-called “Merkel wrinkles” develop, the chin flees backwards, chin line becomes uneven and the jawline exposes jowling. The treatment of the lower third of the face is often completely forgotten even though it is so important to balance proportions well and improve surface quality of the lower third of the face! In Dr Zenker’s hands best results are achievable by degradable fillers (hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, polycaprolactone) or body’s own fat combined with lifting sutures and injection lipolysis.

Nose job

Irregularities in the form and shape of the dorsum of the nose can be fixed easily: Even without surgery, one can immediately compensate many of these defects and end up with a more attractive shape of the nose by having a filler injection. Even the tip of the nose can also be lifted with fillers. Sabine Zenker most important goal is to provide safe treatments in this area. Therefore, she treats with utmost caution based on decades of experience. The treatment result can last for a very long time.

Own fat

Your own fat is the best filler! If you think about how to get lost volume on face and hands and skin’s vitality back in a natural way, think about getting a fat transfer! Autologous fat replaces volume without side effects such as nodules (granulomas), allergic reactions, etc. And in addition, increased circulation and collagen formation improves the skin quality in the treated area as well. Thanks to the state-of-the-art technologies Dr Zenker is using, harvesting of the fat in local anesthesia only requires practically no downtime anymore to get viable and healthy fat cells. This fat can be directly used for lipofilling of e.g. lips and cheeks or acne scars or in combination with Platelet Rich Plasma PRP and/or Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVR) to treat aged skin and hair loss effectively. Downtime may involve slight temporarily swelling or bruising. The treatment effect may vary individually depending on individual condition but usually lasts for very long. Dr Zenker advises lipofilling when treating multiple areas by large volumes and in cases of existing intolerances to fillers. Using own fat in combination with PRP and or SVF is on of the most promising therapies to regain lost hair and to stabilize the hair cycle as well as for skin rejuvenation along the aging process.


Radiofrequency effects controlled, rapid and uniform heating in different, relevant tissue depths. This painless treatment stimulates formation of new collagen thus tightens the skin and removes small fat pads non-invasively, without any injury or surgery.

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